Thursday, October 06, 2005

PBasic, C++, and Oodles of fun!

Recently I have been programming a converter tool from MicroChip's MPLab's C++ "stuff" to PBasic, so that we (my FIRST team, can program the old-style IFI Controllers ( in C++, instead of using their PBasic language. It's pretty complicated, and I know I won't be able to get all of C++'s features, but it'll do for some simple programming.


Anonymous said...

Could you send me your code for the Ultrasonic Range Finder. I've been trying to get it to work but I've been having problems. My e-mail is

Brian said...

I sent you an email with code attached, good luck!

Anonymous said...

Could you please send me your code for programming the old-style IFI Controllers in C++, instead of using their PBasic language, I would greatly appreciate it :)


I have been looking for something like this for a long time.

ziadtarek said...

please Could you send me your code for the Ultrasonic Range Finder with the c++ language instead of the pbasic language
my e_mail is
thanks in advance